12 January 2010

FACT SHEET: Tank Closure & Waste Management EIS

Heart of America Northwest has produced a fact sheet for general background information on what's in the Tank Closure & Waste Management Environmental Impact Statement, and what some of the environmental and health impacts discussed in it are. Let us know what you think!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It will risk our lives and the environment. If the USDOE keeps delaying to empty up the tanks, seriously, it will slowly create the extinction of humans, animal, and plants.

  3. It is estimated that, if the Native Americans in this area were to hunt and fish on the land contaminated by the Hanford site (as is their legal right), their cancer rate would be around 100 percent. If the government cannot even enforce the clean-up of the current contamination at the site, how could they possibly propose dumping more waste into the area? In doing so, the government will be destroying not only the environment (which they don't appear to care too much about) but they will also be risking the lives of citizens of Washington and Oregon, as well as allowing for more contamination to enter the Pacific Ocean.

  4. Thanks for your comments! We hope to see you at one of the 8 public hearings coming up throughout Washington, Idaho & Oregon. You can find some information about them on the factsheet posted above, or check our website for more info: http://www.hoanw.org
